Revamping curricula and prioritising inclusivity can unlock Pakistan’s educational potential and empower future generations Another year is drawing to an…
Browsing: training
From onboarding to professional development, training materials play an essential role in human resource strategy. Well-designed training content can effectively…
Education has always been an influential activity in any society and it is considered as an indispensable instrument for bringing…
Everything takes time. Imagine a cake is being baked for 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes. What would be the…
Introduction Microfinance services have emerged as an effective tool for financing micro-entrepreneurs to alleviate poverty. It is a tool to…
There are two different schools of thought in Pakistan vis-à-vis digital disruption. One school of thought deems Pakistan as one…
Knowledge has always been important for economic development. Globalization and technological revolutions transform the contemporary economy into the knowledge economy.…
This year Pakistan ranked 108th jumping up from 136th position on the recent World Bank Index that rates Ease of…
A candid interview with Imran Batada – Director, ICT & CICT IBA PAGE: Tell me something about yourself and your…
Abdullah Bin Zayed Group has exciting training and education for employment and career advancement Interview with Dr Khusro Iqbal –…
March 22nd is World Water Day, which aims to emphasize the importance of fresh water for sustainable development. Water is…
Training Pakistan is the fifth most populous and one of the youngest countries in the world. Currently, it has the…
[divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] Enrollment- Region, Sector And Gender-Wise For The Year 2017-18 Province/ Region Public Private Total Male Female…
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, referred to as Pakistan, means “holy land” and “halal country”. It is located in the…
Present govt taking high stride in the promotion of education future Interview with Dr. Khusro Iqbal — HR expert PAGE:…
Interview with Mr Aamir Ijaz Khan — Executive Director, ICMA Pakistan PAGE: Kindly tell me something about yourself and ICMA…
[divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] [divider style=”normal” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] Number Of Pakistani Workers Registered Abroad S. No. Countries 2014 2015 2016…
Pakistan is a developing country that belongs to an underdeveloped capitalist market economy. The economy is dominated by agriculture, whose…
The Hunar Foundation (THF), an approved non-profit organization, is striving to create a ‘Skilled Pakistan’ by providing vocational training to…
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Interview with Syed Mehdi Hasnain — Chief Executive Officer, The Hunar Foundation [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””] Syed Mehdi Hasnain…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]raining and development are vital for progressive organizations. It is a fact that poorly trained employees can pose a serious…
Star Farm taking lead in vocational training plan to promote income generation and employment opportunities in rural areas of the…
A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen we start the topic of training and development of Islamic Banking & Finance, first of all, we…