The current economic turndown in Pakistan has impacted both individuals and companies alike. Many organizations and startups have recently ceased their operations after failing to adapt to the changing circumstances owing to this meltdown. However, companies that have managed to keep their boats afloat have done so through early technological adaptation as a key engine for their survival. This adaptation was fueled by the trust and acceptance of local data and solutions.
With resource management and efficiency being one of the key areas to address post-COVID and climate disasters, Pakistan must come out of this turmoil to ensure that technology holders are ready to rebound from these calamities. Not only that, but with the use of good technology, Pakistan can save a lot of resources that are currently being squandered, causing massive economic and social upheavals. A recent report found that 40% of food in Pakistan is wasted, and one of the main reasons is the loss of food throughout the supply chain. This problem can be effectively solved through technology, like blockchain tracking systems or IoT solutions.
TPL Trakker, a pioneer in monitoring technology and IoT solutions, has quickly adapted to our country’s economic situation and relies on hyper-localized data for its decision-making and excellence in services.
Hyper localization can have many layers of data. For example, it would include demographics, personal interests, and preferences. In addition, hyper-localization takes localization to new heights as it would further segment data, making it more responsive to user requirements. Furthermore, people elicit a comparison between TPLT’s location-based services and Google Maps, this was addressed by Sarwar Ali Khan, CEO of TPL Trakker, in a recent interview with Business Recorder:
“The majority of the clients that have started utilizing our maps are companies that have been utilizing Google location data and have switched to our location data. This is a proud moment for us. It works because we have a range of APIs with different use cases associated with them, and clients utilize different APIs based on their needs.”
With an array of services, such as tracking systems, digital mapping, and cold chain/gen-set monitoring, TPLT has been vocal in its efforts to improve its services through the use of data. The organization continues to provide hyper-localized data to its clients via collecting specific data, which includes location-based, geo-coded business addresses and residential location data. This allows for the integration of this data into their APIs so that clients continue to have a competitive advantage in the local market.
With such solutions being provided by local companies, dependency on international solutions is expected to decline over time, facilitating a new era of a sustainable knowledge-based economy for Pakistan and its people.