Etimad Online is an initiative to reduce inflation and alleviate poverty from Pakistan by promoting and helping local manufacturers and connecting them directly to the end consumers. With one of our project Etimad Online Groceries, we have launched over 50 grocery stores across Karachi in January 2021 and aiming to have more than 300 such stores across Sindh by April 2021. Through these stores, we have created selling space for local products and are now encouraging and inviting young entrepreneurs to have their own business through the platform of Etimad Online Groceries. Etimad Online will be providing these budding entrepreneurs logistical support to make sure they reach the market properly.
Etimad Online is a brainchild of Mr. Azim Adil Sheikh who realized the need for such a platform after Covid-19, which has wreaked havoc on the global economy. Pakistan, where there is no price mechanism for the basic commodities – sugar, wheat, poultry, meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy etc. Everyone from retailers to wholesalers are charging premium rates. which is directly affecting the end consumer for whom it is becoming impossible to run a household on lower income and on the other hand the farmer who is producing everything is still dying of hunger, so he launched Etimad Online Groceries, a platform to control the artificial price rise of daily essentials.
Similarly, Pakistan is the 4th largest cotton producer in the world and yet the cotton clothes are very expensive. The reason for such price rise is always the same – middleman. In some industries the names that are stopping it are multinational companies, big brands, imported products etc. and in the end the actual local manufacturer who is producing everything is still dying of hunger and that’s why Mr. Azim Adil Sheikh came up with another sensational idea of Etimad Online Fashion.
As Etimad Online has a mission to end poverty and after the successful launch of Etimad Online Groceries, it is now launching Etimad Online Fashion in which we are inviting young entrepreneurs to start their business which is hassle free and profitable in the field of fashion to make it more affordable for the general public as the price of fashion wear and quality cottons and lawns is artificial, it is scandalous that a humble material like cotton and lawn worn by everyone from the working class to the affluent should be so expensive and it is not even because of the high quality of cotton materials because Pakistani cottons are already the best in the world.
Etiimad Online Fashion will make business easy for everyone as those who will start their business through this platform will have full guidance and support from the team of professionals from different fields such as finance, logistics, management, marketing, advertisement, branding etc. who have designed the complete business plan in a way that it will not only reduce the cost for end consumer but will also benefit the young entrepreneur who is starting the business.
To start a business through Etimad Online Fashion, one doesn’t need to worry about high investments as if anyone has limited savings then Etimad Online will also provide some financial help through which they can easily apply for loan. As we all know that SMEs are the backbone of any economy and they constitute nearly 90% of all the enterprises in Pakistan and has 40% annual share in the GDP, Etimad Online wants to help them achieve their goals and understands that they are constrained by the financial resources.
One thing that stops someone from starting their own fashion store is the risk of loss which one usually faces when they don’t get enough sales because to make a business profitable, they have to get the products in bulk quantity and that’s why Etimad Online Fashion will create a very good balance between supply and demand. Products will be manufactured in a way that no extra designs will stay in the shops for extra days except the regular wears and once the product has been showcased, it will only be available on make to order after the first batch. And in the end the products which are not being sold will be recycled or managed in a way that no burden comes on the business for cost.
Etimad Online Fashion will be a one stop shop where one could find almost everything related to fashion from clothes to jewellery, shoes, accessories etc. from different international and national brands. At the same time it will create a platform for the local or domestic manufacturers to market and sale their products.
It will provide a platform for the local designers to submit their designs which will go through the quality check and once approved, Etimad Online will give bulk orders to the local designers which will eventually create jobs also as many people will be able to work from the comfort of their homes even. Etimad Online Fashion has a mission to provide quality clothes in affordable prices so it will provide raw material e.g. cloth, accessories (laces, buttons etc.) on wholesale prices which will lower the cost of end product.