Agriculture sector provides basic source of food for the entire population. Food provides nutrition to the human body; perform many biological, physiological and chemical function of the body. Food includes; healthy vegetable, fruits, ornament, Grains cereal, seed and spices. These nutrition rich food & meal boosts human’s stamina and maintains metabolic activity of the of Human beings.
In Pakistan the Agriculture sector is the backbone of economy. Our Country extremely relies on crops and agriculture sector. This Largest sector, employing over 42% to the people and contributing around 24% to the country’s GDP. Its development and improvement is obligatory for economy and revenue generation. Agriculture and harvesting is common profession in rural area of Sindh and rest of the provinces of Pakistan. Most of the farmer family’s only depend on agriculture sector. Moreover, it also provides huge number of employment to the people farmers, dealers and businessman. Now day’s vast supermarket and Mall also sell grains vegetable and fruits at supermarkets. Common man to business man it is an essential component of income generation. Furthermore the cotton and raw material is being used for textile industry. The cotton and fabric industry also involves in trade activities. The sector has great worth according to trade economy revenue and has health benefits.
Therefore for enhancement and development the official and, government of Sindh decided to approve 1 year pilot project for crop insurance which will begin in KHARIF season of 2025. The project support Sindh farmers through area yield index insurance. The official described that crop insurance will benefit for farmer in case of any natural disaster flood, unexpected rain, and climate change. 2022 flood reflect the harsh picture of field and agriculture land.
The first phase will be started in Larkana and Ghotki district. The project continuity will base on success. If the project accomplish brightly the scheme will be offered to other 27 district in sindh. Another initiative that is “Interest free loan” is providing to farmers through Kisan Card program for the purchasing of agriculture inputs (seed and fertilizers. Kisan Card is proving only those farmers who landholding of up to 12 hectors and name as BENAZIR HARI card. Moreover to combat Agri- based challenges the government of Sindh established Agriculture Extension services Center providing (ICTs) which will facilitates farmers deal challenges due to low ratio of extension agent to farmers.
(ICTs) Information & Communication Technology that offers available solution, the technological support on farmer helpline 0311-1646111. Videos, SMS updates, including social media, Facebook live program, Android APP, U-tube channels, Online learning and digital and radio programs.
This insurance initiative would provide financial security it offers compensation for potential losses. The Project become a reason of reinvest in their farms and fields and farmer can purchase raw material and equipment in future. It allows farmers to quickly recover after financial crises. This also facilitates to adopt new techniques and practices. Like, The china is the largest producers of rice and wheat. While U.S is considered as biggest producer of corn and soya beans, India is famous for spices, fruits and vegetables and Brazil is the biggest producer of coffee.
This initiative is admirable but government should adopt other new policies for the betterment of the agriculture sector and focus on policies, initiative and strategies of other developed countries.
Author scholar and analyst in the field of Scientific, Economic, social and political domain. Having an extensive well developed experience in regard to economic policy, Economic development and public private markets, and corporation.