The per tola price of 24 karat gold soared to unprecedented levels on Monday (April 8), experiencing a significant increase of Rs600 to be traded at Rs245,700. This surge marks a notable contrast from its previous day’s sale price of Rs245,100, reflecting the impact of record-breaking rallies in international gold markets.
According to the All Sindh Sarafa Jewellers Association, the price of 10 grams of 24 karat gold also rose by Rs514, reaching Rs210,648 compared to its previous sale price of Rs210,134. Similarly, 10 grams of 22 karat gold witnessed an increase to Rs193,094 from Rs192,622.
Analysts attribute this surge in domestic gold prices to the extraordinary rally observed in global gold markets. In international trading, gold climbed by $5, reaching a new record high of $2,355 per ounce, up from its previous closing of $2,350.
The remarkable increase in gold prices has sparked intense interest and speculation among investors and market observers in Pakistan. Gold has long been considered a safe haven asset, especially during periods of economic uncertainty or market volatility. With escalating geopolitical tensions and ongoing concerns regarding inflation and currency devaluation, investors often turn to gold as a reliable store of value.