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Saudi Arabia’s ascendancy in electronic government services is underscored by its top ranking in the Middle East and North Africa, as affirmed by the UN’s Government Electronic and Mobile Services Maturity Index (GEMS).

With an overall maturity score of 93 per cent and significant advancements across all indicators, the Kingdom demonstrates a steadfast commitment to digital transformation.

Ahmed Al-Suwaiyan, governor of the Digital Government Authority, attributes this achievement to the concerted efforts of government agencies and strong leadership support. This recognition aligns seamlessly with the objectives of Vision 2030, particularly in fostering a digital society and optimizing new technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Of particular note is the remarkable increase in the “Service Usage and Satisfaction” indicator, reaching an 84 percent maturity rate, reflecting the effectiveness of Saudi Arabia’s digital initiatives in meeting citizen and resident needs. Furthermore, the substantial surge in the “Public Outreach” index underscores the Kingdom’s dedication to ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in its digital services.

Saudi Arabia’s global rankings in other indices, such as the GOVTECH Maturity Index by the World Bank and the E-Government Development Index by the UN, further solidify its position as a frontrunner in the digital realm. Riyadh’s impressive fourth-place ranking globally in technology use and applications serves as a testament to the widespread adoption of digital solutions across the country.

In summary, Saudi Arabia’s continued success in electronic government services showcases its ongoing efforts to leverage technology for the betterment of its citizens and residents, driving progress and innovation both domestically and internationally.