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Quarterly Payments Summary Of Transactions In Pakistan
Details Q4-FY23 Q1-FY24 Quarterly Change
Volume (mn) Value (PKR bn) Volume (mn) Value (PKR bn) Volume (% QoQ) Value (% QoQ)
Large-Value Transactions
PRISM Transactions 1.24 183,062.3 1.42 199,325.8 14.8% 8.9%
Funds Transfer 1.21 58,572.9 1.40 65,388.4 16.4% 11.6%
Securities Settlement 0.02 118,438.7 0.02 133,937.4 1.5% 13.1%
Ancillary Clearing Transaction 0.01 6,050.7
Retail Transactions
Digital Transactions 538.8 15,812.8 561.0 17,031.8 4.1% 7.7%
Funds Transfer (intra-Bank/EMI)8 58.9 4,849.1 61.3 5,262.8 3.9% 8.5%
Funds Transfer (inter-Bank/EMI)9 154.1 5,939.9 170.7 6,550.9 10.8% 10.3%
Point-of-Sale (POS) Purchase 56.4 298.4 59.7 315.3 5.7% 5.7%
E-Commerce Purchase 8.2 37.7 9.6 39.6 17.1% 4.9%
Bill Payment & Mobile Top-up 33.5 434.5 35.0 596.5 4.6% 37.3%
Cash Withdrawal (ATM/CDM) 214.0 3,092.7 208.6 2,961.7 -2.5% -4.2%
Cash/ Cheque Deposit (CDM/CCDM) 0.9 98.0 1.0 106.6 11.2% 8.8%
Others 12.8 1,062.3 15.2 1,198.4 18.7% 12.8%
OTC Transactions 135.0 93,607.4 141.3 116,934.8 4.7% 24.9%
Funds Transfer (intra-Bank)8 19.9 50,697.6 23.1 74,372.9 16.2% 46.7%
Funds Transfer (inter-Bank)9 8.9 8,670.9 7.9 8,364.6 -10.3% -3.5%
Bill Payment 12.8 447.0 15.9 620.4 24.7% 38.8%
Cash Withdrawal (Branch/Agent) 47.9 11,382.4 44.8 10,251.7 -6.4% -9.9%
Cash Deposit (Branch/Agent) 42.9 13,188.5 47.0 14,067.2 9.5% 6.7%
Pay Orders/ Demand Drafts 1.8 3,433.4 1.8 3,470.0 0.7% 1.1%
Direct Debit 0.6 4,783.9 0.6 4,706.7 -10.4% -1.6%
Others 0.2 1,003.8 0.1 1,081.3 -36.3% 7.7%

Payment Card Transactions In Pakistan (Volume in Million & Value in Billion-PKR)
Details Q2-FY23 Q3-FY23 Q4-FY23 Q1-FY24P
Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value Volume Value
Transactions at ATMs
Debit Cards 203.8 2,909.8 199.7 3,038.9 217.2 3,316.0 214.9 3,213.6
Credit Cards 0.1 1.8 0.1 1.6 0.1 1.6 0.1 1.8
Pre-Paid Cards 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1
Social Welfare Cards 0.4 0.9 0.3 1.2 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.4
Total Transactions 204.3 2,912.7 200.2 3,041.9 217.5 3,318.4 215.2 3,215.9
Transactions at POS Machine (Card Present Transaction)
Debit Cards 36.5 176.6 39.0 195.8 43.8 214.9 48.0 226.9
Credit Cards 14.4 107.2 14.5 107.9 16.1 110.5 16.7 119.0
Pre-Paid Cards 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Transactions 50.9 283.9 53.5 303.8 59.8 325.5 64.7 345.9
Transactions at E-Commerce Platform (Card-not-Present Transaction)
Debit Cards 11.8 43.2 12.0 49.8 12.6 52.0 14.1 62.3
Credit Cards 3.7 34.6 3.6 35.9 3.5 37.7 4.3 43.6
Pre-Paid Cards 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
Total Transactions 15.5 77.9 15.6 85.7 16.1 89.8 18.5 106.0

Pakistan: Composition Of Payment Cards (In unit number)
Payment Card Category Q2-FY23R Q3-FY23R Q4-FY23R Q1-FY24P
A – Total Cards issued by Banks/ MFBs 44,696,632 45,995,943 44,466,703 45,679,593
Credit Cards 1,913,776 1,931,345 2,013,118 2,069,692
Debit Cards 32,524,158 34,737,526 33,872,829 35,112,867
Pre-Paid Cards 99,124 96,339 95,358 90,965
Social Welfare Cards 10,159,574 9,230,733 8,485,398 8,406,069
B – Total Cards issued by EMIs 1,824,596 2,372,708 2,828,042 3,221,682
Debit Cards 1,824,596 2,372,708 2,828,042 3,221,682
C – Total Cards issued by BBs 4,174,658 4,038,651 4,334,792 5,389,244
Debit Cards 3,749,700 3,699,234 3,991,161 4,370,360
Pre-Paid Cards 4,940 7,870 13,495 21,901
Social Welfare Cards 420,018 331,547 330,136 996,983
Overall Cards (A+B+C) 50,695,886 52,407,302 51,629,537 54,290,519