It is very abundant imperative for the government to allocate resources wisely. Currently, the developed countries and developing is boosting country growth and economy under the umbrella of Science and Technological research for example the elephant and Dragon (India and China). By the assist of research and innovation country could attract market for business, investment and other trade activities. Therefore this time countries all over the world prompting science and Technology and other Innovation techniques
The incumbent government of Pakistan allocated Budget 2021-2022 for Science & Technology Research Division is 8341 million rupees. There are multiply scheme to which government allocated budget such as; Awareness on Training on Pakistan at National Hospitals and Health care accreditation (PNHHA) 40.646, million Certification Incentive Program for SMEs under Q.I initiatives 2025 100.000, Competitive Research Programme 200.00, Construction of offices and Labs in PSQCA Quetta, 11.615, Establishment of center for Advanced Technology in Biomedical Materials (Knowledge economy Initiative) 218.138, Establishment of Centre for Artificial Intelligence AI in Health sciences 60.000, Establishment for facilities for Industrial Production of Nanomaterial in Latif Ibrahim Jamal Nanotechnology center (Knowledge economy Initiative) 242.755, Establishment of Pak-Korea Testing Technology Facility for PV modules and Allied Equipment, PCRET 15. 155, Establishment of Technical Training Center for Precision Mechanical and Instrument Technology Gwader,150.000, Extreme Development PSCQA Building Gulistan-e- Johar complex at Karachi 26.400 Financial Support to Scientific Society in Pakistan (Phase 2) 50.000 , First Industrial National Innovation Survey 41.771, Halal accreditation, PNAC 30.681, Improved Land and Water Conservation Practices to Enhance Waste Land Productivity in Thal Desert PCRWR 23,855, Modernization of PASTIC National Science Reference Library for effective resource sharing among S&T Libraries in Pakistan 16.695, Need Assessment of S& T Human Resource for Driving Innovation and Achieving Vision 2025, PSCT 17.208, Pak University for Engineering and Emerging Technology,2000.000, Science Talent Framing Scheme (STFS) for Youth Student (Phase 1) (Component 1) 60.000 Trans boundary Affect for Ground and surface Water along the Eastern Border of Pakistan 8.610, Up gradation of Fruit Processing and Analytical Laboratory and establishment of Gems Cutting and Polishing Centre at PCSIR Skardu Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan 20.623, Up gradation of Medical Botanical Centre as National Centre of Herbal Medicine, PCSIR Complex Peshawar, 90.223, Up-gradation of polymer and Plastic Laboratory at PSCIR Laboratories, Complex Lahore 110.694, Advanced Skill Development through International Scholarship 500.00, Assessment of Tidal Energy Potential along Indus Deltaic creek Sindh Coast 10.000, Cloud enable infrastructure for Research and Innovation 20. 000 Establishing Innovation Technology Platform for East –Track Development of Elites livestock and crop for food and National security 20.000 Monitoring Sea Level Rise, Sea water intrusion and Land Subsidence in Indus Deltaic Creek System with Special Reference to Sindh Coastal Cities Flooding 71.000, National Digital Archive of Research Published in Pakistan Journals 27.000, Quality Seed Production and Supply to the Framing Community for Ensuring Food Security in Pakistan 20.000, Semi- Conductor Ship design Facilitation 50.000 Center, Up gradation of Machinery and Equipment and renovation of building IIEE & and PSTC Karachi, Up gradation of Printed Service Board (PCB) facility 15.000.
This entire scheme is better for future but it could not provide effective growth to the country in future. For strengthen the economy country try to focus on other domain which is not related to people need or requirement such as provision of crop monitoring, sea area, flooding, Thal waste scheme and many more. Government should learn and follow regional countries policy and should focus on their selection criteria. India is stand one of the top 5 countries in the field of space exploration, and promoting Technology Business, (TBI), Polar satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLV) Incubators, February 2021 under scheme “we think digital” India trained digital literacy to one lakh women, in 2021 approved IT Hardware scheme and India allocated 14,794,03 Crore (US$$2.02) 2021-2022 budget for science and technology; while Bangladesh conducted 20 research project, included Hazardous waste e- waste, food technology, Soil biomass, renewable energy, microbiology, automobile, green technology system, Nanotechnology, Processing Chemisty, Quasi Universe access to electricity; in case of Bhutan “the negative carbon country” or least corrupt country drafted plan 2018-2023 renewable natural resources and developed a platform which uses Robotics tools; Maldives working on single use plastic to reduce marine litter and encourage non- plastic alternatives; Afghanistan has no ministry science and technology but still promotes physical and life science; Sri lanka introduced a technology for smart decision making.
The selection of domain or productive field is great importance for the growth and development of economy. Following countries focus on that discipline which is directly or indirectly connect to environment related or renewable resources. In Science and Technology those scheme and project should be drafted which ensure maximum growth improves livelihood and become a reason for the strenghten of economy.
[box type=”note” align=”” class=”” width=””]The author is M.Phil Research Student in University of Karachi[/box]