Leadership and motivation
The Success of the entire business depends on the most important resource of any organization which is certainly human resources. They are creators and makers of new technical, technological and organizational solutions, creators of new values, controllers of working process and development of business systems.
The key question is: who will manage human resources and motivate them so that the whole organization performs better. Leadership is one influence, one work of art and the process of impact on people, in sense that those who are affected are voluntarily and willingly participating in the creation of new values in the organization. Precisely, the role of a leader is to motivate its co-workers to their potential contribution in achieving the objectives of the organization. Leadership and motivation are key factors influencing the success of the organization, as well as employee satisfaction.
Therefore, the connection and interconnection of successful leadership and proper ways of motivating employees are essential for all organizations. In developed nations, it is also said that the democratic leadership style is one of the most effective. It assists employees feel valued, gives them a sense of ownership over their position, and motivates high productivity.
Harmonize the Immediate Long-range Future
A manager has two specific tasks. The first is creation of a true whole that is larger than the sum of its parts, a productive e more than the sum of the resources put into it. The second specific task of the manager is to harmonize in every decision and actions the requirements of the immediate and of the long-range future. A manager cannot sacrifice either without endangering the enterprise.
If a manager does not take care of the next hundred days, there will be no next hundred years. Whatever the manager does should be sound in expediency as well as in basic long-range objective and principle. And where he cannot harmonize the two time dimensions, he must at least balance hem. He must calculate the sacrifice he imposes on the long-range future of the enterprise to protect its immediate interests, or the sacrifice he makes today for he sake of tomorrow. He must limit either sacrifice as much as possible. And he must repair as soon as possible the damage it inflicts He lives and acts in two time dimensions, and is responsible for the performance of the whole enterprise and of his own component in it.
Misdirection by Specialization
An old story tells of three stonecutters who were asked what they were doing. The first replied, “I am making a living.” The second kept on hammering while he said, “I am doing the best job of stonecutting in the entire country.” The third one looked up with a visionary gleam in his eyes and said, “I am building a cathedral.” The third man is, of course, the true manager.
The first man knows what he wants to get out of the work and manages to do so. He is likely to give a “fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. But he is not a manager and will never be one. It is the second man who is a problem. Workmanship is essential: in fact, an organization demoralizes if it does not demand of its members the highest workmanship they are capable of. But there is always a danger that the true workman, the true professional, will believe that he is accomplishing something when m effect he is just polishing stones or collecting footnotes. Workmanship must be encouraged in the business enterprise. But it must always be related to the needs of the whole.