[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]by Sarah Feldman,
Norway had the fastest mobile download speed, coming in at 67.17 megabits per second (Mbps). Iceland came in a close second with 67.05 Mbps. The United States came in a distant 43rd with an average download speed of 30.49 Mbps. To stream Netflix in Ultra HQ quality, a person needs access to 25 Mbps.
According to an analysis by Ookla, the fastest and most consistent carriers across the United States was T-Mobile followed closely by Verizon. T-Mobile has been expanding their LTE coverage, particularly to unserved areas, giving them an edge over Verizon. Download speeds are expected to change greatly in the next year as 5G comes closer to a reality. Despite these advances, the United States still has a ways to go to capture the mobile speed top countries, like Norway and Iceland currently possess.
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