[dropcap]B[/dropcap]usiness Leadership refers to CEO & C level management of a Business Corporate, since the performance of the entire organization is based on its leadership style defining its enduring characteristics towards vision, mission, core ideologies and goals; simultaneously turning great strategies into great performances.
CEO & top leadership carries many responsibilities, above all being emblem of inspiring growth in the company ensuring that there is no gap existed in articulating rather translating their vision-mission to their company and continuously ready to create more leaders under their coaching. They are the one who should be aware about change, speed and competiveness in the global knowledge economy.
At Enrichers, we try to beat the odds thus making new benchmarks for ourselves every year since its inception in 2011. In striving for achieving them we believe in shouldering each other keeping in view to clearly identifying priorities, meet challenges, making strategies and counter-strategies, reinventing our business model.
In my viewpoint and learning experiences while being Founder & Group CEO of Enrichers Investment Group (EIG) following are the practical and functional framework that revolves around business leadership we believe.
Our dean emphasizes on Akhlaqiyat and it applies on a corporate entity too since corporates are run by men. Our morals, ethics and disposition in general put a huge impact on our everyday life, be it professional or personal. The foremost trait of business leadership is possessing a good Akhlaaq reflecting the spiritual wellbeing of a leader. Leadership that places principles, control and mortality on the top of pyramid owns best of both worlds.
At Enrichers, we lay great stress on Akhlaaqiyat, dealing all the staff member equally without any disparity. We deemed in patience, forgiving, respect and geared up delighting each other. Enrichers was founded with love, care, brotherhood and giving attitude. We all live as a family; the aim is to attain happiness and motivation through moral development. Whether external customer or internal, we negotiate for the win-win.
“Business is religion and religion is a business. The man who doesn’t make a business of his religion has a religious life of no force, and the man who doesn’t make a religion of his business has a business life of no character”. – Maltbie Davenport Babcock
Bravery leads to initiative and bravery comes from faith. An aspiring leader ought to have blind faith in his Creator. We are unsure about our fate but stepping ahead believing in Him and praying is the ultimate source of contentment. Faith in Creator leads to conviction in you eventually seeping out in your organization. At Enrichers, we are more fearful of Allah than the regulators of state and law enforcement agencies. Leaders are visionary; they envision the Day of Judgment.-
CEO should have the ability to structure the team of executives with the required talents and believability, vision is the aptitude to foresee future market trends and plan accordingly encompassing bold mission as a powerful way to stimulate success. Organization needs both potential (idea) and kinetic (execution) energies espousing its Vision. It is achievable and therefore can be revised as needed as goals are met.
You do not only create a vision you discover it. One cannot deduce it by looking at the external environment; you understand it by looking inside. Vision should be authentic; not to fake it or compromise on it. A true business leadership style is a mirror reflection of one’s vision that serves as a motivator consequently responsible in establishing culture in the organization.
The second primary component of the vision is ensuring the element of strong execution on it; conversely avoiding the constituent of being stagnant. The linchpin in pursuing business leadership is being constant and continual. A persistent leader is highly self-aware, model sound behavior, having sheer faith in the company’s vision-mission, meeting challenges, availing opportunities, incorporate meaningful strategies and planning that motivates major changes inside the organization. I have always tried going extra miles let alone meeting day to day challenges. I have dreamed and often found it hard to accomplish them and met failures too. But failures are so important in keeping you persistent towards your goals that they teach you that deepest valleys have their own beauty and flow and the highest mountains have their temporary glories.
The man on the front faces most barriers, it requires passionate leadership to overcome and finding path, enthusiasm is contagious. Leadership is not the cup of tea of a man with average zeal. Leadership needs to be obsessed with what they do and needs to be disciplined at the same time.
“He is a looser whose today is not better than his yesterday” – Muhammad Rasool Allah ﷺ
one can now easily quantify his success each day, and our religion has emphasized on improvement by letting us comparing and laid stress to have our today better than yesterday.
‘Passion’ steers the ship of a successful organization making it more win-win and adds flavor of innovation thus helping in sustaining the vision.
Change is the only constant, companies/brands become history when their products and services get obsolete when they were not adoptive to change. Convenience, comfort, speed, reliability and affordability are all integral parts and in continual evolution process. Whereas, a few changes can occur overnight like regulator policy change, competitor innovation or political/geo political change changes the business environment overnight.
We believe our Corporate Capital is our human-capital, that’s our strength is, we can only grow if our human-capital grows. Leadership creates leadership unlike skeptical people in business. Leaders nurtures creativity, boosts talent and appreciate innovation. Contrasting, the footprints left by their orthodox predecessors who actually promote semi monopolized regime in a way of cartels. Our traditional leaders were self-centered. They are under misconceived notion that progress lies under their rule. It’s infect not the ability to pay the wages; it’s the capacity to lead the business.
Leader eats in the last; Leaders take their share in the last. Last priority of profitability, first priority is all the liabilities.
That’s their nature; being thankful to Allah is also their personality attribute, a constant mindset because they believe they have been bestowed with so much for which to be thankful. A good leader always communicates his gratification to his team also. If this Leader personality is an exceptional Jewel then the CEO must be a jeweler seeking for this.
“Humans are like camels; out of hundred you hardly find one fit to ride” – Muhammad Rasool Allah ﷺ
CEO & top Leadership brick the happy and healthy environment for staff in their organization. The art is to keep building a mid way which margins ingratitude and rebelliousness and for that you ought to be clear and loud in your objectives and core values. At Enrichers we try to increase the level of happiness by our many actions where patience and gratitude are the essential contents of happy life. The happier the employees are the more productive they would be.
 The importance of employee motivation cannot be down-played. Ultimately when employees are motivated this increases efficiency, lowers turnover, and improves overall performance. Research shows that there is a void between the leader’s vision and employees’ knowledge of how their day-to-day actions could contribute to apprehending the company’s vision. However, it can be achieved by encouraging your employees to express their ideas openly and motivating them to craft strategic principles at a critical juncture.
Envisioning the future is yet another primary component in business leadership. A strong determination is required to forge ahead. Foreseeing encompasses on the long-term strategy identifying the major issues you foresee to improve your business in terms of customer value and satisfaction, quality and flexibility. In today’s economic climate, many businesses are looking at short-term strategies just to survive. So how do you balance the current reality with the need to pursue continuous improvement initiatives for the future? This is not an easy dilemma to resolve but what is clear from looking at the history of successful companies is that long-term strategies, such as continuous improvement, cannot be abandoned if future growth and success for the business is the objective.
To put in a nutshell, Business Leadership is all about empowering people at all levels in the organization so that they can have a shared vision and work towards a common goal. At Enrichers, we believe in the transformational style of business leadership where both the leaders and followers raise one another to higher level of morality and motivation. Unfortunately in Pakistan, we have a leadership crisis because we are lost in daily operations and forget about essential strategic planning and policies. Our conceptual matrix is limited and aspirations are selfish. We have become prone to working in our comfort zone, we have become risk averted. Nevertheless, true business leaders are smart enough to use their discretionary knacks to deal with difficult situations and manage risks. A true leader is one who is able to identify a meaningful vision for the greater good, as is then able to channelize a set of followers to work towards that vision in a concrete, time-bound and practically achievable manner
A core component in business leadership is to have complete denial to the ownership mindset which egg on employees doesn’t own it or only owners own it approach. On the other hand, there has to be shared loom inculcating collective efforts providing passion, flexibility, innovation and happiness being at work. It can be achieved only when the ownership is aligned with and for everybody. To be a truly great leader you will need to learn to share success and by doing so you will earn the respect of your team. This motivation makes it more likely for the employee to work harder and be inspired to contribute more and more to the team. Mutual respect creates a stronger relationship between team members and increases the level of loyalty.