[dropcap]O[/dropcap]rganizations today are dedicated to serving all stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, regulators, shareholders and society at large. Future-focused organizations want to ensure long term sustainability of our world and the people in our world. Stakeholders are becoming more globally diverse and networked, as organizations are increasingly mobile in their teams, supply chains, shared services, operational processes and outsourcing. To optimize organizational results, creativity, problem-solving, talent management and engagement, operations and innovation, organizational leaders need to adopt inclusive approaches management strategies and styles that incorporate different perspectives, cognitive, cultural and linguistic differences, and collaboration. Research shows a strong correlation between diversity and bottom line impact. 95 experts across the world have developed “Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks Standard”. GDIB supports workplace D&I and describes People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership as its focus. Please see http://diversitycollegium.org/globalbenchmarks.php
With the launch of Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks Standard 2016, events have organized at various cities including Washington DC, São Paulo, Sydney, Melbourne, London, Netherlands, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles, Portland, Tokyo, Toronto, Argentina, New York and Oakland.
On 27 Apr 2017, HR Metrics in collaboration with Ms. Julie O’Mara Chief Author GDIB 2016 (Former President American Society for Training & Development), launched this standard in Pakistan through a conference at Karachi. Ms. Marvi Memon, Chairperson Benazir Income Support Program and Dr. Ishrat Husain, Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan were guest of honor. Eminent speakers included CEOs/President of Leading organization, having significant accomplishment on D&I. Before the conference, organizations were invited to contest for D&I Awards and Top 10 organizations got awards.
Details at http://thehrmetrics.com/diversity-conference/
- Facilitate organizations in developing a business case for Diversity & Inclusion to establish its linkage with organization’s sustainability through bottom line impact.
- Educate the procedure for D&I gap analysis in 14 key business processes at organization to determine readiness on 5 scale (Inactive, Reactive, Proactive, Progressive, best Practices).
- Share the mechanism for progressive transformation of organizations from treating diversity defensively as a matter of legal or ethical compliance to positioning it strategically as an asset, to compete in the market.
PLAN 2017-2018
- Diversity Champion Program: Main aim of this initiative is to facilitate organizations in developing a D&I Champion, who can learn the Global Diversity & Inclusion Standard and implement at organization level. D&I Champion will be provided coaching on understanding the process of D&I gap analysis, developing a business case, benchmarking and action planning for 14 key business processes. Focus of the intervention will be the organizations sustainability through social and financial impact.
- Global Diversity Conference, Research and Awards- 8 Mar 2018.
- Women of Substance- Leadership Development Program- Nov 2017: Companies Act 2017 makes it mandatory for public interest companies to have one female at board. To grow women as effective member of board, 5 days’ Training program is planned at Karachi during Nov 2017. High performing women in managerial positions are eligible to attend.
A. Module A: Critical Competencies for Board Member (2 days): It will be conducted by highly esteemed business leaders
- Essentials of Business and Financial Acumen
- Analysing Data for Strategic Business Decisions
- Communicating with Impact
- Developing High Performance Culture
- Managing Ethical Relations
- Inspirational Leadership
B. Module B: Director Training Program (3 days): It will be conducted by Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance Karachi.
- Diversity & Inclusion Pulse (Six Monthly Publication)
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