[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance has been established at IBA with the objective of providing a platform for discovery, enhancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Islamic Finance. It aims to be a world class Centre which, through education and research, carries on IBA’s legacy of thought leadership in the Islamic Finance industry.
CEIF was established with the help of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) financed through a program by DFID, UK.
CEIF has offered Executive Learning Programs with different local and international speakers on different topics, starting from the Introduction to Islamic Finance to more specialized courses. In a little over a year the Centre has conducted a number of training programs and has been able to train industry practitioners, scholars, entrepreneurs, academicians and regulators.
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Some of our most popular courses are:
Anatomy of Sukuk
Collection, Utilization & Investment of Zakah & Donations in Welfare Organizations
Framework for Islamic Accounting Standards in IFIs
Fundamentals of Islamic Finance
Global Perspective on Islamic Finance Business
Introduction to Islamic Capital Markets
Introduction to Islamic Finance
Introduction to Islamic Finance for Media Professionals
Introduction to Islamic Finance for Women Entrepreneurs
Islamic Capital Markets and Sukuk
Islamic Finance – Mechanisms and Practices
Islamic Finance Concepts and Products
Islamic Finance for Academicians
Islamic Perspective on Marketing Principles and Practices
Laws of Islamic Inheritance
Operational Aspects of Family Takaful Business
Pool Management and Profit Distribution for IFIs
Principles & Procedures for Islamic Banking and Adjudication of Disputes
Product Development: Innovation and Challenges in Islamic Consumer Financing
Risk Management in Islamic Financial Institutions
Roadmap for Achieving Shariah Compliance for Listed Companies
Shariah Compliance and Audit of IFIs
Shariah Corporate Governance for Board of Directors
Shariah Governance Framework for IFIs
Treasury Management for Islamic Banks[/box]
IBA CEIF’s Practitioners’ Qualification series (PQS) consists of extensive 6 month certifications developed for industry professionals / academicians under the supervision of renowned industry experts and Shariah scholars. This series is designed to provide extensive knowledge to Industry Human Resource regarding essential Shariah Standards / Principles in different Islamic modes and financing facilities with their practical applicability, issues faced in practical execution and continuous monitoring of every individual transaction. IBA CEIF has already completed its first batch of the Advanced Certificate in AAOIFI Shariah Standards, with over 60 participants, who went on to participate in the Certified Shari’a Adviser and Auditor (CSAA) examination being conducted by Accounting & Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).
CEIF has also conducted international forums, such as the International Forum on “Islamic Finance Opportunities in CPEC and Beyond” and the “Global Business Growth Opportunities in Halaal Markets”. Furthermore, CEIF has also conducted a number of open public awareness seminars with speakers from the Halaal industry (“Opportunities in Halaal Markets”) for the students of IBA. Mr. Almir Colan, Director, Australian Centre for Islamic Finance was invited to speak at a number of sessions including the seminar on “Fundamentals and Basics of Islamic Finance”, “Leadership from the Quran and Sunnah” and “Islamic Finance Awareness and Growth.
CEIF has also initiated open and closed door forums of industry practitioners with international speakers from Malaysia, Bahrain, United States, conducted local. Up till now CEIF has conducted Distinguished Leadership Dialogues which has hosted local and global speakers. Under the Product Development and Shariah Compliance Forum, CEIF has had the opportunity to bring in global leaders of the Islamic Finance industry to Pakistan.
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]19th May, 2017 Digital Disruptions & Global Trends in Islamic Financial Services at Riphah University
Mr. Ashar Nazim, Ernst & Young, Bahrain
19th May, 2017Â Digital Disruptions & Global Trends in Islamic Financial Services Industry
Mr. Ashar Nazim, Ernst & Young, Bahrain
7th April, 2017Â Global Opportunities for Islamic Finance and Challenges in Non- Muslim Majority countries
Mr. Almir Colan, Director, AusCIF
16th Jan, 2017 Banks of Tomorrow
Mr. Ashar Nazim, Ernst & Young, Bahrain
12th Jan, 2017 Risk Sharing Islamic Banking Model for Islamic Banks
Dr. Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, Professor, INCEIF, Malaysia
12th Jan, 2017 Financing Infrastructure Projects using Innovative Sukuk Solutions
Dr. Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, Professor, INCEIF, Malaysia[/box]
CEIF has conducted a number of Round Table sessions with policy makers and key industry stakeholders to discuss ways for the implementations of change within the industry which include, but are not limited to, “Pakistan Halaal Markets: Challenges, Risks & Issues”, “Islamic Finance Opportunities in CPEC and Beyond” and the Round-table Session with Senators & Parliamentarians on Islamic Finance.
IBA Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance has successfully launched the MS in Islamic Banking and Finance program from 2016. The program currently has 31 students enrolled for the MS IBF in the first year. Prof. Dr. Baharom was invited to conduct the Quantitative Research course for the MS IBF, as per the Faculty Exchange agreement with that was part of an MoU signed with the International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF), Malaysia. The MS IBF students have the opportunity to learn from some of the most renowned Shariah Scholars, Islamic Banking and Finance Industry Professionals, International Academicians and speakers during their academic period.
IBA CEIF has signed MoUs with the following institutions and organizations:
– Islamic Research and Training Institute, Malaysia (IRTI)
– International Shariah Research Academy, Malaysia (ISRA)
– Pak Qatar Family & General Takaful Limited, Karachi, Pakistan (PQF>L)
– Islamic Banking Centre, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (IBC)
– International Council of Islamic Finance Educators, Malaysia (ICIFE)
– International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance, Malaysia (INCEIF)
– Sindh Judicial Academy, Karachi, Pakistan (SJA)
– Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM)
– Islamic University Maldives, Maldives
IBA CEIF has produced a documentary titled “Islamic Finance: A Viable, Credible and Sustainable Alternative” to provide answers to questions asked by the general populace in regards to Islamic Financing. Currently the Centre is working on developing documentaries for the dissemination of knowledge and to create awareness about the difference between Islamic and Conventional Banking, its products and the Shariah perspective behind them.
– 6th Islamic Finance Expo and Conference
– A thematic workshop on external Shari’ah audit, titled “ISRA & IFC Thematic Workshop 2016: Is the Current Model of Shari’ah Governance Fit for Purpose?” on the 26th of October, 2016 in London (2016)
Rs. 50,000 for the highest performing students in Islamic Finance
– Mr. Raheel Muhammad Jawaid
– Mr. Ahmed Raza Khan Lodhi & Ms. Hania Jawed
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]To contact the Centre
Facebook: https://Facebook.com/CEIF15
Twitter: https://Twitter.com/IBACEIF
LinkedIn: https://Lnked.in/IBACEIF
YouTube: https://YouTube.com/IBACEIF
Website: https://ceif.iba.edu.pk
Email: ceif@iba.edu.pk
Contact: +92 3810 4701 Ext: 1853[/box]