Previous Editions
Net FDI In Pakistan ($ Million)
Country 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 (Jul-Aug)
China 763.2 1,311.90 130.8 846.6 751.6 531.6 432.2 568.2 174.7
UK 215.4 304.6 185 119.1 141 31.8 65 268.2 43.5
USA 45.7 161.7 88.1 99.2 166.4 249.6 89.3 137.3 22.7
Hong Kong 123 183.6 171 190.7 157.2 137.7 101 358.5 70.2
Switzerland 101.7 78.5 21.2 62.8 61.7 146.2 134 28.7 0.5
U.A.E. 120.1 -4.4 103.7 -44 115.7 143.9 180.1 87.3 9.4
Italy 61.5 56.6 51.9 57.4 36.3 34.8 8.6 1.9 -0.3
Netherlands 457.6 100.3 69 133.2 96.9 104.1 71.9 71 -3
Austria 21.7 27.4 7.6 3.8 1 0 -0.3 -1.7 -0.5
Japan 57.7 59.8 117.3 52.5 -13 -12.3 183 10.9 2.5
Turkey 135.6 29.8 73.8 26.1 13.4 -0.3 17.6 11.1 1.2
Others 303.4 470.5 343 1,076.20 305.7 500.7 173.4 360.2 29.3
Total 2,406.60 2,780.30 1,362.40 2,597.50 1,820.50 1,867.80 1,455.80 1,901.60 320.3
Note: Pakistan’s Fiscal Year runs from 1st July till 30th June. The figures in brackets are in negative.

Literacy Rates In Pakistan (Percent )
Details Literacy
(10 Years and Older)
Youth Literacy
(15-24 Years)
Adult Literacy
(15 Years and Older)
Location Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Pakistan 70 49 60 79 65 72 68 46 57
Punjab 72 57 64 81 75 78 70 53 61
Sindh 68 47 58 72 57 65 68 45 57
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 71 35 53 85 49 67 68 30 49
Balochistan 61 29 46 69 40 57 59 26 44

Sectoral Point Contribution At Constant Prices 2015-16
Details FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Growth Rates (%) Point Contribution
A. Agriculture 4.21 2.27 6.25 0.97 0.51 1.45
B. Industry 7.01 -3.74 1.21 1.33 -0.71 0.22
Commodity Producing Sector (A+B) 5.47 -0.48 4.02 2.30 -0.20 1.67
C. Services Sector 6.69 -0.01 1.21 3.88 0.00 0.70
GDP (GVA) 6.18 -0.21 2.38 6.18 -0.21 2.38

Health Indicators Of Pakistan
Details 2021 2022
Incidence of Tuberculosis (per 100,000 people) 266 258
Life expectancy at birth (years) 66.1 67.3
Immunization, Measles (% of children ages (12-23) months 81 82
Prevalence of HIV, Total (% of population ages 15-49) 0.2 0.2
Immunization DPT (%age of children under 12-23 months) 83 85
Tuberculosis treatment success rate (new cases) 94
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 births) as per PDSH 2019 186(2019)
Neonatal Mortality rate (per 1000 live births) 39.4
Mortality rate, Infant (per 1000 live births) 52.8
Source: WDI, Global Health Observatory, UNICEF

Composition Of GDP In Pakistan (at Current Prices): Expenditure Approach
Details FY2023 FY2024 FY2023 FY2024 FY2023 FY2024
As percent of GDP (MP) Growth Rates (%) Point Contribution
Household Consumption 82.38 83.06 21.94 27.48 18.65 22.64
NPISH Consumption 0.82 0.78 16.23 20.43 0.14 0.17
General Government Consumption 10.32 9.31 23.76 14.01 2.49 1.45
Total Consumption [C] 93.52 93.15 22.08 25.93 21.29 24.25
Gross Fixed Investment 12.42 11.43 12.80 16.40 1.77 2.04
Private 9.46 8.67 14.93 15.81 1.55 1.50
The public, including the General Public 2.96 2.77 6.50 18.28 0.23 0.54
Changes in Stock + Valuables 1.71 1.71 25.83 26.43 0.44 0.45
Total Investment [I] 14.13 13.14 14.24 17.61 2.22 2.49
Exports (Goods & Services) [X] 10.49 10.31 25.23 24.32 2.66 2.55
Imports (Goods & Services) (M] 18.14 16.61 1.48 15.76 0.33 2.86
Net Exports [X-M] -7.65 -6.29 -19.47 4.02 2.33 -0.31
Aggregate Demand [C+I+X] 118.14 116.61 21.36 24.79 26.16 29.29
Domestic Demand [C+I] 107.65 106.29 20.99 24.84 23.50 26.74
GDP (MP) 100.00 100.00 25.83 26.43 25.83 26.43

Sectoral Share In Electricity Consumption
Source July-March FY2024
GWh Share (%)
Household 33,737 49.21
Commercial 5,365 7.83
Industry 18,022 26.29
Agriculture 6,905 10.07
Others 4,530 6.61
Total 68,559

Pakistan: Investtment By Telecom Industry (US $Million)
2018-19 (R) 840.00 585.00 31.00 116.00 108.00
2019-20 (R) 1394.00 829.00 75.00 249.00 241.00
2020-21 (R) 1336.00 808.00 31.00 230.00 267.00
2021-22 (P) 2073.00 1175.00 20.00 557.00 321.00
2022-23 (P) 762.00 396.00 13.00 156.00 197.00

Cargo & Container Handling At Karachi Port (000 tonnes)
Fiscal Year Imports Exports Total
2019-20 27,206 14,634 41,840
2020-21 36,469 15,810 52,279
2021-22 35,540 16,169 51,709
2022-23 29,075 12,776 41,851
2022-23 22,667 9,114 31,791
2023-24 40,844 23,301 64,145

Pakistan: KSE-100 Index
Months 2022-23 Months 2023-24
KSE 100 index Total Market Capitalization (Rs billion) Turnover in shares (billion) KSE 100 index Total Market Capitalization (Rs billion) Turnover in shares (billion)
Jul-22 40,150.36 6,771.94 2.62 Jul-23 48,034.60 7,231.76 7.68
Aug-22 42,351.15 7,034.96 6.86 Aug-23 45,002.42 6,715.88 6.54
Sep-22 41,128.67 6,782.04 3.84 Sep-23 46,232.59 6,885.57 3.20
Oct-22 41,264.66 6,663.36 5.81 Oct-23 51,920.27 7,551.77 7.93
Nov-22 42,348.63 6,768.15 4.28 Nov-23 60,531.27 8,729.52 13.74
Dec-22 40,420.45 6,500.83 3.99 Dec-23 62,451.04 9,062.90 20.61
Jan-23 40,673.06 6,394.03 3.89 Jan-24 61,979.18 9,073.76 11.29
Feb-23 40,510.37 6,272.51 3.52 Feb-24 64,578.52 9,225.16 6.64
Mar-23 40,000.83 6,108.17 3.67 Mar-24 67,005.11 9,447.69 7.29
Apr-23 41,580.85 6,289.90 1.93
May-23 41,330.56 6,277.07 3.55
Jun-23 41,452.69 6,369.47 3.21
Source: Pakistan Stock Exchange

Pakistan: Central Government Debt (In Billion Rupees)
Debt Instruments As on end Period
Aug-23 Jun-24 Jul-24(R) Aug-24 (P)
A. Central Government Domestic Debt (a+b+c) 39,795 47,160 47,716 48,339
a. Long Term (i+ii+iii) 30,013 36,828 36,990 37,298
i. Permanent Debt (1+2+3+4) 26,670 33,656 33,800 34,105
1. Market Loans 3 3 3 3
Federal Government 3 3 3 3
2. Federal Government Bonds 25,810 32,793 32,936 33,240
GOP Ijara Sukuk 3,715 4,766 4,766 4,782
Bai-Muajjal of Sukuk 0 0 19 65
Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs) 22,094 28,026 28,150 28,391
Others 1 1 1 1
3. Prize Bonds 382 385 386 388
4. SBP’s on-lending to GOP against SDRs allocation 475 475 475 475
ii. Unfunded Debt 2,933 2,799 2,816 2,819
Saving Schemes (Net of Prize Bonds) 2,825 2,708 2,725 2,730
Postal Life Insurance 47 47 47 47
GP Fund* 60 44 43 42
iii. Foreign Currency Loans 410 374 374 374
b. Short Term 9,636 10,248 10,638 10,961
i. Floating Debt 9,636 10,248 10,638 10,961
Bai Muajjal 0 0 0 0
Market Treasury Bills 9,564 10,167 10,558 10,877
MTBs for Replenishment of Cash 72 80 80 85
Outright Sale of MRTBs to Banks 0 0 0 0
c. Naya Pakistan Certificates 146 84 88 80
B. Central Government External Debt 24,175 21,754 21,907 22,023
Long Term 24,106 21,542 21,677 21,811
Short Term 69 211 230 212
Central Government Debt (A+B) 63,970 68,914 69,623 70,362