[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]by Felix Richter,
Considering how much our lives revolve around technology that has emerged over the past two decades, it can safely be argued that no other industry has shaped the 21st century like the tech sector did. And while countless tech startups have risen and, in some cases, disappeared again since the turn of the century, five companies in particular have shaped the digital economy as we know it today. Often referred to as GAFAM, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft are the figureheads of the tech industry, known around the world and used by billions of people on any given day.
The Statista report “Tech Giants in the U.S. 2019” examines consumer attitudes towards these five tech companies and their impact on society. Based on an online survey of 1,953 U.S. consumers between the ages of 18 and 64, the report also looks at the companies’ most popular products and services and their market position with respect to the competition. A free summary of the report can be downloaded here. The full report is available free of charge to Statista customers.
The following chart, based on results from the survey, shows which of the five tech giants Americans consider industry leaders in categories ranging from likeability to innovation and social responsibility. Interestingly, Amazon and Apple stand out among the big five, with either of the two companies named as industry leader in seven out of eight categories.
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