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Year End Review 2024 (Facts & Figures)

CSR and Poverty Alleviation (Facts & Figures)
GDP of Pakistan (at constant basic prices of 2015-16) (Rs. Million)
Sector/Industry 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
GDP Growth Rate (%) 5.77 6.18 -0.22 2.52
A. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (1 to 4 ) 8,424,041 8,778,647 8,973,643 9,544,428
1. Crops ( i+ii+iii) 2,849,148 3,083,439 3,047,425 3,360,648
i) Important Crops 1,593,985 1,681,708 1,689,304 1,976,769
ii) Other Crops 1,152,009 1,289,069 1,271,187 1,255,888
iii) Cotton Ginning 103,154 112,662 86,934 127,991
2. Livestock 5,269,009 5,387,611 5,587,106 5,837,086
3. Forestry 183,877 185,162 215,946 222,532
4. Fishing 122,007 122,435 123,166 124,162
B. Industrial Activities ( 1 to 4 ) 6,935,438 7,421,583 7,146,648 7,064,694
1. Mining and Quarrying 697,669 651,208 630,143 651,992
2. Manufacturing ( i+ii+iii) 4,388,024 4,864,350 4,608,423 4,752,592
i) Large Scale 3,240,794 3,626,559 3,269,760 3,304,913
ii) Small Scale 705,485 768,249 838,794 914,766
iii) Slaughtering 441,745 469,542 499,869 532,913
3 Electricity, Gas and Water supply 888,101 926,804 1,018,983 784,099
4. Construction 961,644 979,221 889,099 876,011
Commodity Producing Activities (A+B) 15,359,479 16,200,230 16,120,291 16,609,122
C. Services ( 1 to 10) 21,223,003 22,643,030 22,638,208 23,125,074
1. Wholesale & Retail trade 6,647,199 7,325,882 7,033,622 7,271,798
2. Transportation & Storage 3,811,190 3,980,936 4,132,065 4,210,875
3. Accommodation and Food Services Activities (Hotels & Restaurants) 520,024 541,222 563,348 586,453
4. Information and Communication 953,818 1,125,119 1,116,760 1,120,086
5. Financial and Insurance Activities 682,988 730,220 657,549 587,372
6. Real Estate Activities (OD) 2,080,095 2,156,942 2,237,142 2,320,839
7. Public Administration and Social Security (General Government) 1,820,093 1,853,122 1,722,958 1,597,905
8. Education 1,012,428 1,071,646 1,126,347 1,222,632
9. Human Health and Social Work Activities 585,137 600,835 653,855 690,174
10. Other Private Services 3,110,031 3,257,106 3,394,562 3,516,940
D. GDP (Total of GVA at bp (A+B+C)) 36,582,482 38,843,260 38,758,499 39,734,196
E. Taxes 2,894,190 2,906,476 2,828,010 3,010,613
F .Subsidies 375,056 779,803 632,838 466,788
G .GDP at mp (GVA+T-S) 39,101,616 40,969,933 40,953,671 42,278,021
H. Net Primary Income (NPI) 3,275,406 2,806,550 3,235,842 3,248,441
I. Gross National Income 42,377,022 43,776,483 44,189,513 45,526,462
J. GDP (at Current Market Prices) 55,836,225 66,657,868 83,955,422 105,740,766

Pakistan: Quantum Index Of Selected Large-Scale Manufacturing Items*
(YOY Growth) Base Year: 2015-16 (Provisional)
S. No. Descriptions of Items Weight Adjusted
Jul-Sep Sep
FY24 FY25 2023 2024
A Manufacturing of Food 10.7 13.6 6.54 2.22 4.68 1.25
B Manufacturing of Beverages 3.8 4.9 0.75 1.08 6.70 2.32
C Manufacturing of Tobacco 2.1 2.6 -38.39 40.36 -56.93 52.61
D Manufacturing of Textile 18.2 23.2 -20.00 3.18 -21.81 2.38
E Manufacture of Wearing Apparel 6.1 7.8 5.42 17.62 13.77 23.83
F Manufacturing of Leather Products 1.2 1.6 1.77 -0.73 5.96 -3.74
G Manufacturing of Wood Products 0.2 0.2 -5.78 3.28 -8.27 0.35
H Manufacturing of Paper & Board 1.6 2.1 -7.02 6.26 -5.44 5.65
I Manufacturing of Coke & Petroleum Products 6.7 8.5 13.82 7.85 17.01 9.52
J Manufacturing of Chemicals 6.5 8.3 2.05 -0.58 2.08 -2.80
K Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals Products 5.2 6.6 41.28 -0.29 29.53 2.46
L Manufacturing of Rubber Products 0.2 0.3 -0.11 -4.59 -2.08 2.57
M Manufacturing of Non Metalic Mineral Products 5.0 6.4 10.40 -19.00 -4.40 -18.06
N Manufacturing of Iron & Steel Products 3.4 4.4 -2.20 -12.60 -1.74 -10.67
O Manufacture of Fabricated Metal 0.4 0.5 2.30 -24.52 12.69 -31.29
P Manufacture of Computer, Electronics and Optical Products 0.0 0.0 -27.68 -0.46 -22.62 0.84
Q Manufacture of Electrical Equipment 2.0 2.6 -12.14 -23.32 3.82 -31.39
R Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment N.E.C 0.4 0.5 47.91 -47.36 147.67 -73.48
S Manufacturing of Automobiles 3.1 4.0 -45.95 26.44 -22.88 32.96
T Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment 0.7 0.9 -11.90 21.52 2.81 21.92
U Manufacture of Furniture 0.5 0.7 30.73 -59.69 137.93 -66.09
V Other Manufacturing (Football) 0.3 0.4 -6.19 -2.87 -17.66 -12.81
Overall 78.4 100.0 -0.97 -0.76 2.16 -1.92

Performance Of Major Asian Stock Market Indices (July-March FY2024)
Country Index Index On 30.06.2023 Index On 31.03.2024
Pakistan KSE-100 Index 41452.7 67005.1
MSCI-EM MSCI Emerging Market Index 989.5 1045.1
China Shanghai Composite 3202.1 3041.3
Vietnam VN30 Index 1123.1 1296.9
India BSE Sensex 30 64718.6 73651.4
Indonesia Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite Index 6661.9 7262.5
Hong Kong Hang Seng 18916.4 16541.4
Singapore FTSE Straits Times 3205.9 3224.0
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Composite Index 1376.7 1536.1
Philippines PSEi Composite 6468.1 6903.5
Thailand SET Index 1503.1 1377.9
South Korea Korean Composite Stock Price Index – KOSPI 2564.3 2746.6

Pakistan: Province/Region-Wise Interest-Free Loan Progress (July- March FY 2024)
Region Name
No. of Loans Amount Disbursed (Rs million)
Male Female Total Male Female Total
AJK 249 890 1,139 14.97 58.75 73.72
Balochistan 3,074 615 3,689 208.33 33.18 241.51
Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) 217 778 995 14.51 43.06 57.57
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 8,302 7,590 15,892 457.09 333.14 790.23
Punjab 77,342 154,728 232,070 3,338.97 6,719.38 10,058.35
Sindh 6,754 14,191 20,945 377.95 599.53 977.47
Total 95,938 178,792 274,730 4,411.81 7,787.04 12,198.84
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