Pakistan & Gulf Economist

PAGE Annual 2023 (Fact Sheet)

Pakistan: Gross National Product At Constant Basic Prices Of 2015-16 (Rs million Sectors)
Details 2019-20 2020-21 F 2021-22 R 2022-23 P % Change
2021-22/ 2020-21 2022-23/ 2021-22
A. Agriculture 8,137,860 8,424,041 8,783,832 8,919,979 4.27 1.55
1. Crops 2,692,121 2,849,148 3,082,432 3,005,611 8.19 (2.49)
i). Important Crops 1,506,263 1,593,985 1,680,279 1,626,473 5.41 (3.20)
ii). Other Crops 1,067,179 1,152,009 1,289,491 1,292,401 11.93 0.23
iii). Cotton Ginning 118,679 103,154 112,662 86,737 9.22 (23.01)
2. Livestock 5,146,701 5,269,009 5,387,611 5,591,294 2.25 3.78
3. Forestry 177,917 183,877 191,354 198,881 4.07 3.93
4. Fishing 121,121 122,007 122,435 124,193 0.35 1.44
B. Industrial Sector 6,409,967 6,935,438 7,409,040 7,191,050 6.83 (2.94)
1. Mining & Quarrying 685,844 697,669 648,842 620,252 (7.00) (4.41)
2. Manufacturing 3,970,246 4,388,024 4,864,350 4,673,946 10.86 (3.91)
i). Large Scale 2,906,578 3,240,794 3,626,559 3,337,195 11.90 (7.98)
ii). Small Scale 647,374 705,485 768,249 837,585 8.90 9.03
iii). Slaughtering 416,293 441,745 469,542 499,166 6.29 6.31
3. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 814,703 888,101 915,951 971,170 3.14 6.03
4. Construction 939,174 961,644 979,897 925,682 1.90 (5.53)
Commodity Producing Sector (A+B) 14,547,827 15,359,479 16,192,872 16,111,029 5.43 (0.51)
C. Services Sector 20,038,838 21,223,003 22,622,116 22,816,361 6.59 0.86
1. Wholesale & Retail Trade 5,998,707 6,647,199 7,333,356 7,006,648 10.32 (4.46)
2. Transport & Storage 3,634,152 3,811,190 3,967,157 4,154,931 4.09 4.73
3. Accommodation and Food Services Activities (Hotels & Restaurants) 499,522 520,024 541,222 563,447 4.08 4.11
4. Information and Communication 868,338 953,818 1,109,467 1,186,342 16.32 6.93
5. Finance and Insurance Activities 647,435 682,988 732,007 704,013 7.18 (3.82)
6. Real Estate Activities (OD) 2,006,873 2,080,095 2,156,942 2,237,158 3.69 3.72
7. Public Administration and Social Security (General Government) 1,830,153 1,820,093 1,853,122 1,709,407 1.81 (7.76)
8. Education 1,024,760 1,012,428 1,069,760 1,181,454 5.66 10.44
9. Human Health and Social Work Activities 568,638 585,137 600,835 651,858 2.68 8.49
10. Other Private Services 2,960,260 3,110,031 3,258,248 3,421,103 4.77 5.00
GDP {Total of GVA at bp (A + B + C)} 34,586,665 36,582,482 38,814,988 38,927,390 6.10 0.29
Indirect Taxes 2,449,628 2,894,190 2,906,476 3,089,131 0.42 6.28
Subsidies 325,947 375,056 779,803 384,023 107.92 (50.75)
GDP {GVA + T – S} 36,710,346 39,101,616 40,941,661 41,632,498 4.71 1.69
Net Primary Income (NPI)* 2,424,050 3,275,406 2,806,550 2,729,639 (14.31) (2.74)
Gross National Income 39,134,396 42,377,022 43,748,211 44,362,137 3.24 1.40
Population (in million) 218.24 222.59 227.00 231.45 1.98 1.96

Pakistan: Gross External Debt Position By Sector (Million US$)
R Provisional
Gross External Debt Position 31-Dec-22 31-Mar-23 30-Jun-23
General government 84,335.8 83,133.3 82,295.3
Short-term 687.6 280.4 160.3
Long-term 83,648.2 82,852.8 82,135.0
Bonds and notes 7,804.4 7,803.5 7,803.5
Loans 75,843.7 75,049.3 74,331.5
Trade credits 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities 0.0 0.0 0.0
Monetary authorities 13,208.3 13,148.3 12,586.0
Short-term 0.0 0.0 0.0
Long-term 13,208.3 13,148.3 12,586.0
Bonds and notes 0.0 0.0 0.0
Loans 2,229.0 2,050.4 1,754.9
Currency and deposits 2,705.3 2,701.7 2,702.2
Other debt liabilities 8,274.0 8,396.2 8,129.0
Banks 5,386.4 6,066.6 6,315.4
Short-term 5,386.4 5,066.6 5,015.4
Long-term 0.0 1,000.0 1,300.0
Others sector 20,204.3 19,570.4 19,209.0
Short-term 2,694.4 2,423.5 2,443.0
Money market instruments 0.0 0.0 0.0
Loans 778.1 657.9 699.2
Currency and deposits 0.0 0.0 0.0
Trade credits 1,320.1 1,320.1 1,320.1
Other debt liabilities 596.2 445.5 423.6
Long-term 17,509.9 17,146.8 16,766.1
Bonds and notes 500.0 500.0 500.0
Loans 16,995.4 16,632.3 16,251.6
Currency and deposits 0.0 0.0 0.0
Trade credits 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other debt liabilities 14.5 14.5 14.5
Direct investment: Intercompany lending 3,784.1 3,840.8 3,889.9
Gross External Debt 126,918.9 125,759.3 124,295.5
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