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Investment Opportunities (Facts & Figures)

CSR and Poverty Alleviation (Facts & Figures)
Composition of GDP (at current prices) in Pakistan: Expenditure Approach
Details FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
As percent of GDP (MP) Growth Rates (%) Point Contribution
Household Consumption 82.49 84.85 83.43 20.37 22.72 24.95 16.40 18.75 21.17
NPISH Consumption 0.97 0.89 0.80 11.03 9.77 13.66 0.11 0.09 0.12
General Government Consumption 10.93 10.50 9.73 8.89 14.60 17.84 1.05 1.60 1.87
Total Consumption [C] 94.39 96.24 93.96 18.82 21.65 24.07 17.56 20.44 23.16
Gross Fixed Investment 12.82 14.01 11.92 14.93 30.35 8.14 1.96 3.89 1.14
Private 9.85 10.54 8.81 12.62 27.66 6.18 1.30 2.73 0.65
Public including General Public 2.97 3.47 3.11 23.33 39.27 14.10 0.66 1.17 0.49
Changes in Stock + Valuables 1.71 1.71 1.71 17.45 19.32 27.07 0.30 0.33 0.46
Total Investment [I] 14.53 15.72 13.63 15.22 29.05 10.20 2.26 4.22 1.60
Exports (Goods & Services) [X] 9.05 10.55 10.08 14.33 39.02 21.41 1.33 3.53 2.26
Imports (Goods & Services) (M] 17.98 22.50 17.67 21.23 49.34 -0.20 3.70 8.87 -0.05
Net Exports [X-M] -8.93 -11.96 -7.60 29.14 59.81 -19.27 -2.37 -5.34 2.30
Aggregate Demand [C+I+X] 117.98 122.50 117.67 18.01 23.89 22.06 21.15 28.19 27.02
Domestic Demand [C + I] 108.93 111.96 107.60 18.33 22.64 22.12 19.82 24.66 24.77
GDP (MP) 100 100 100 17.45 19.32 27.07 17.45 19.32 27.07

Inflation In Pakistan
Index Average July – August % changes August over August % changes
2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022
CPI (National) 27.84 26.10 8.38 27.38 27.26 8.35
CPI (Urban) 25.61 24.92 8.49 24.98 26.24 8.32
CPI (Rural) 31.09 27.86 8.21 30.89 28.79 8.40
SPI 28.61 31.09 16.04 27.93 33.97 15.92
WPI 23.69 39.91 17.21 24.29 41.25 17.15

Pakistani Workers Registered For Overseas Employment
Year Federal Punjab Sindh Khyber Pakhtun-Khwa Baloc-histan Azad Kashmir N/Areas Tribal Area Total
2018 2471 185,902 41,551 88,361 2,930 33,028 2,760 25,436 382,439
2019 4295 312,439 57,171 186,176 5,103 30,151 2,554 27,314 625,203
2020 1814 118,818 16,950 68,299 1,869 7,685 244 9026 224,705
2021 2275 156,877 21121 76213 2470 10671 989 16032 286,648
2022 6535 458,241 59,067 224,889 8,013 29,496 1,156 42,152 829,549

Central Government Debt (In Billion PKR) (Provisional)
Debt Instruments Jun-22 Mar-23 Jun-23
A. Central Government Domestic Debt (a+b+c) 31,085.4 35,077.3 38,808.9
a. Long Term (i+ii+iii) 24,188.4 28,642.8 29,330.9
i. Permanent Debt (1+2+3+4) 20,843.7 25,347.9 26,021.5
1. Market Loans 2.8 2.8 2.8
Federal Government 2.7 2.8 2.8
2. Federal Government Bonds 19,991.3 24,488.5 25,161.2
GOP Ijara Sukuk 2,279.8 2,681.3 3,150.6
Bai-Muajjal of Sukuk 23.2 23.2 0.0
Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs) 17,687.0 21,782.8 22,009.3
Others 1.3 1.3 1.3
3. Prize Bonds 374.6 381.6 382.5
4. SBP’s on-lending to GOP against SDRs allocation 474.9 474.9 474.9
ii. Unfunded Debt 3,336.0 2,999.2 2,925.6
Saving Schemes (Net of Prize Bonds) 3,208.3 2,894.4 2,817.6
Postal Life Insurance 47.2 47.2 47.2
GP Fund 80.5 57.5 60.8
iii. Foreign Currency Loans 8.7 295.7 383.8
b. Short Term 6,804.1 6,295.3 9,335.3
i. Floating Debt 6,804.1 6,295.3 9,335.3
Bai Muajjal 0.0 0.0 0.0
Market Treasury Bills 6,752.4 6,230.6 9,269.2
MTBs for Replenishment of Cash 51.7 64.7 66.1
c. Naya Pakistan Certificates 92.9 139.2 142.7
B. Central Government External Debt 16,747.0 22,046.6 22,030.9
Long Term 16,471.3 21,967.0 21,985.0
Short Term 275.7 79.6 45.9
Central Government Debt (A+B) 47,832.4 57,123.9 60,839.9
Source: SBP
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