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Outlook 2022 (Facts & Figures)

CSR and Poverty Alleviation (Facts & Figures)
Gross Domestic Product Of Pakistan (at constant basic prices of 2005-06) (Million Rupees)
Sector/Industry 2017-18 2018-19F 2019-20R 2020-21P
Commodity Producing Sectors(A+B) 4,884,508 4,858,172 4,841,943 4,995,212
A.Agricultural Sector ( 1 to 4 ) 2,343,614 2,356,827 2,434,850 2,502,181
1. Crops ( i+ii+iii) 871,796 828,596 874,504 896,102
i) Important Crops 553,693 511,129 537,929 562,964
ii) Other Crops 260,026 266,791 288,344 292,420
iii) Cotton Ginning 58,077 50,676 48,231 40,718
2. Livestock 1,375,986 1,428,608 1,458,624 1,503,254
3. Forestry 46,679 50,076 51,880 52,617
4. Fishing 49,153 49,547 49,842 50,208
B. Industrial Sector ( 1 to 4 ) 2,540,894 2,501,345 2,407,093 2,493,031
1. Mining and Quarrying 356,949 361,221 331,309 309,823
2. Manufacturing ( i+ii+iii) 1,667,524 1,656,069 1,533,747 1,667,362
i) Large Scale 1,325,429 1,290,942 1,160,247 1,268,043
ii) Small Scale 232,383 251,532 255,303 276,530
iii) Slaughtering 109,712 113,595 118,197 122,789
3. Electricity generation & distribution and Gas distribution 164,067 186,328 228,065 175,700
4. Construction 352,354 297,727 313,972 340,146
C. Services Sectors ( 1 to 6) 7,459,758 7,742,479 7,699,891 8,041,169
1. Wholesale & Retail trade 2,331,415 2,356,539 2,263,668 2,453,199
2. Transport, Storage &Communication 1,587,297 1,660,907 1,597,828 1,588,101
3. Finance & Insurance 426,012 445,219 450,270 485,574
4. Housing Services (OD) 808,172 840,489 874,219 909,247
5. General Government Services 986,125 1,037,147 1,047,767 1,070,833
6. Other Private Services 1,320,737 1,402,178 1,466,139 1,534,215
D. GDP (Total of GVA at bp(A+B+C)) 12,344,266 12,600,651 12,541,834 13,036,381
E. Taxes 862,628 795,748 740,311 812,900
F. Subsidies 73,891 113,056 123,053 71,924
G. GDP (GVA+T-S) 13,133,003 13,283,343 13,159,092 13,777,357
H. Net Factor Income from Abroad 673,876 874,614 1,089,918 1,484,683
I. Gross National Income 13,806,879 14,157,957 14,249,010 15,262,040
J. GDP(at Current Market Prices) 34,616,302 38,086,232 41,556,326 47,709,325

Pakistan: Literacy Rate (10 Years and Above) (%)
Province/Area 2020-21
Male Female Total
Rural 69.0 48.9 58.8
Urban 82.5 74.3 78.5
Sindh 72.9 49.7 61.8
Rural 58.8 26.8 43.3
Urban 85.2 69.9 77.9
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 72.8 37.4 55.1
Rural 70.1 33.5 51.7
Urban 85.8 57.8 72.3
Balochistan 69.4 36.8 54.5
Rural 65.0 31.1 49.5
Urban 80.0 50.9 66.8
Source: Labour Force Survey, 2020-21, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Pakistan: Fiscal Indicators As Percent Of GDP
Year Overall Fiscal Deficit Expenditure Revenue
Total Current Development Total Rev. Tax Non-Tax
FY2019 7.9 19.1 16.2 2.8 11.2 9.7 1.5
FY2020 7.1 20.3 17.9 2.5 13.2 9.3 3.9
FY2021 6.1 18.5 16.3 2.4 12.4 9.4 2.9
FY2022B.E 6.3 22.6 19.2 3.5 16.3 12.0 4.3

Health Indicators Of Pakistan
Details 2020
Maternal Mortality Ratio (Per 100,000 Births) 186
Neonatal Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Live Births) 40.4
Mortality Rate, Infant (Per 1,000 Live Births) 54.2
Under-5 Mortality Rate (Per 1,000) 65.2
Incidence of Tuberculosis (Per 100,000 People) 259
Incidence of HIV (Per 1,000 Uninfected Population) 0.12
Life Expectancy at Birth, (Years) 67.4
Births Attended By Skilled Health Staff (% of Total) 69.3 (2018)
Contraceptive Prevalence, Any Methods (% of Women Ages 15-49) 33

Share In Electricity Consumption
Sector Percentage share
FY2020-21 (Jul-Mar) FY2021-22 (Jul-Mar)
Household 49.1 47
Commercial 7.4 7
Industry 26.3 28
Agriculture 8.9 9
Others 8.3 8
Grand Total 100 100
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