Pakistan & Gulf Economist

Don’t rush contact center training

Everything takes time. Imagine a cake is being baked for 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes. What would be the outcome for this, would it be as good as if baked for 40 minutes or would it be raw. Just as everything takes time, training does too and it is vital for business to invest time and money in it properly.

We need to understand the importance of allowing the learning process enough time to enable the trainee to absorb the information and be able to transfer skills and knowledge learned into the job. You cannot rush a training or skimp on aspects of it and have things turn our right.

Some of the essential ingredients of good training are a combination of the following:

Instructor-led training (ILT)

ILT sessions are the best way to deliver learning to an audience. Use stories to keep the class engaged and provide a more significant impact on the lesson learned.

Web-based training (WBT)

Web based training are a good source, which covers similar ILT session components. It’s an excellent practice to re-introduce trainees to the same information in various methods.

Retrieval methods

These come in the form of knowledge checks, retrieval games, crossword puzzles, scavenger hunts, practice sessions, to name a few.

Nutshell sessions

Review what has been previously learnt.

Demonstration sessions

Demonstrate what has been learnt through ILT or BT session and then practice it with examples.

Recorded calls

Pay consideration to a few main areas while reviewing the call, including the level of customer service, the steps to authenticate a caller before an agent can divulge account-specific information, and the accuracy of the information provided.


This is where it all comes together – the information learned, call scripts, and navigation.


There’s nothing better than learning from the real thing, where the trainee spends time with a seasoned agent to initially listen to calls, which gradually moves to the trainee taking calls, with support included.

All of the ingredients mentioned above take time. Though it’s possible to make adjustments to accommodate the class. When you invest the time to get training right the first time, check for gaps in knowledge, and fill those gaps, you’re going to have fewer callbacks and frustrated callers.

So it pays to not cut corners. If you’re going to train new employees, you might as well do it right.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]About ZRG

Founded in 1994, ZRG International is an ICT solutions company with a major focus on customer interaction technologies and solutions. We offer experience and innovation to help businesses manage customer relationship and achieve higher customer satisfaction and increased profitability.

ZRG has a proven track record of introducing innovations and exciting new possibilities in the customer communication areas. Our line of solutions cover all aspects of customer communication including customer contact center, CRM application suite, quality assurance suite, call center management tools, self-service automation tools, campaign management and teleconferencing. Our solutions are deployed at mission critical contact centers that are being used to provide information, assistance and services to millions of users each day through live agent and self-service based applications.

ZRG has an experienced and knowledgeable team capable of quickly designing and adding tailor-made features in our solutions for site-specific requirements. By using open standards systems, specifications and protocols, we ensure maximum flexibility and future growth of our solutions. We use innovative techniques to deliver latest features and integration capabilities in a most cost-effective manner. Our deployment team has successfully completed all our projects well before the deadlines.

Every day, on every project, we deliver value through our accumulated technical knowledge and project management skills. Our expertise delivers immediate benefits to our clients with cost and time savings. Our solution delivers increased operational efficiency and staff productivity to our valued clients. This is what we do. We deliver beyond expectations.[/box]

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