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Where Will the Digital Media Market Be in Four Years?


[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=””]by Sarah Feldman

The newest update of Statista’s digital media market shows that revenue in some of the largest media markets in the world is set to increase in the coming years. While the United States will continue to be a leader in the digital media market, the market’s growth is slowing in comparison to other countries.

The United States is projected to grow at a roughly 9 percent pace over the next four years, with 2023 revenue forecasted at around $50.75 billion. By comparison, revenue in China’s digital media market is expected to expand at a 15 percent pace. Within four years, Statista estimates put revenue from digital media from the country at around $33 billion.

While the revenue of countries like France, Italy, the UK, and Germany are magnitudes smaller than that of the top three rainmakers in digital media, the growth prospects for these markets are still positive. France is set for 23 percent growth, while the UK, Germany and Italy are projected to increase by around 15 percentage points. All these markets digital media markets are expected to stay under the $10 billion mark.



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