Pakistan & Gulf Economist

LPG LNG CNG – Exploration – Importation – Distribution (Facts & Figures)

Sector For the Period July 1, 2015 To Feb 29, 2016 For the Period July 1, 2016 To Feb 28, 2017
Gas Consumption in MMCFD RLNG Total Gas Consumption in MMCFD RLNG Total
Power 961 143 1,104 980 116 1,096
Domestic 777 0 777 801 801
Commercial 92 0 92 89 89
Transport (CNG) 155 17 172 150 43 193
Fertilizer 633 0 633 611 64 675
General Industry 594 15 609 613 187 800
Total 3,212 175 3,387 3,244 410 3,654

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NATURAL GAS (million cubic feet per day)
State/area 17-Nov 17-Oct Percent change 16-Nov Percent change
U.S. 95,780 93,100 2.9 89,087 7.5
Alaska 9,437 9,135 3.3 9,799 -3.7
Arkansas 1,818 1,850 -1.7 2,094 -13.2
California 549 549 -0.1 540 1.7
Colorado 4,732 4,702 0.7 4,713 0.4
Kansas 587 589 -0.4 615 -4.5
Louisiana 6,821 6,460 5.6 4,591 48.6
Montana 128 129 -0.9 142 -9.6
New Mexico 3,854 3,837 0.4 3,568 8
North Dakota 2,093 2,053 2 1,762 18.8
Ohio 5,569 5,464 1.9 4,091 36.1
Oklahoma 7,315 7,284 0.4 6,512 12.3
Pennsylvania 15,654 14,496 8 14,656 6.8
Texas 22,703 22,414 1.3 21,281 6.7
Utah 823 832 -1 925 -11
West Virginia 4,803 4,654 3.2 3,869 24.1
Wyoming 4,896 4,758 2.9 5,090 -3.8
Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico 2,629 2,532 3.9 3,306 -20.5
Other States 1,368 1,363 0.4 1,533 -10.8

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